An Acknowledgement of Country is a statement that shows awareness of and respect for the Traditional Custodians of the land you are on and their long and continuing relationship with the land. Unlike a Welcome to Country, it can be delivered by anyone – First Nations Australians or Non-First Nations Australians.
Acknowledgements of Country can take place at the beginning of events. They can also be printed in publications and websites and on signs, for example near the entrance of your business.
Kaurna Welcome to Country
Southern Providore at Adelaide Airport is located on Kaurna Country. We are proud to share their Welcome of Country and traditional and English languages.
Welcome in traditional Kaurna
Ngadlu tampinthi yalaka ngadlu Kaurna yartangka inparrinthi. Ngadludlu tampinthi, parnaku tuwila yartangka.Kaurna Miyurna yaitya yarta-mathanya Wama Tarntanyaku, parnaku yailtya, parnaku tapa puru purruna. Kaurna Miyurna ithu yailtya purruna, yarta kuma puru martinthi, puru warri-apinthi, puru tangka martulayinthi.Kuma kumartarna Yaitya Miyurna ngadludlu tampinthi iyangka yalaka. Parnaku yarta kumartarna yarta Kanthi Partu-arra kuma Warrunangku.
Translated to English
We acknowledge this land that we meet on today is the traditional lands for the Kaurna people and that we respect their spiritual relationship with their country.We also acknowledge the Kaurna people as the custodians of the Adelaide region and that their cultural and heritage beliefs are still as important to the living Kaurna people today.We also pay respects to the cultural authority of Aboriginal people visiting/attending from other areas of South Australia/Australia.